Why I run the planet - May 17, 2007

We continue to live in a world of disparity. While one side of the globe is handed opportunity and good fortune, the other half is struggling to survive under conditions most of us can’t even imagine. Born in the Netherlands, and currently making a living in the United States, I have lived a sheltered life without concern for basic life essentials. Having taken all of that for granted while growing up, I now as an adult am very aware of this imbalance and feel the need for speed.

With less than two weeks to go before the kick-off in New York City, I am contemplating the potential we will awaken by this race around the world. Each runner has been assigned a village in need of a water project, and my designated village is Nafadji in Mali, Africa. For sure you will be reading more about my newly inherited friends-in-need over the duration of the run. I am hopeful that together we can bring safe drinking water to Nafadji and similar communities all over the world and by doing so eradicate waterborne diseases often resulting in tragic and unnecessary death.

Yes, we are collectively responsible to take care of one and other, near and far, no matter what creed, color or religion. Only by our actions can we be an example for our children, so that they can learn this most valuable life lesson and sustain this obligation from generation to generation. Because making a positive difference is our duty and should be a human response for living on this planet. Please share the wealth and reach out generously to the people of Nafadji and similar communities all over the world in desperate need of safe drinking water.

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